Archive for May 2008

We’re Number One!

May 5th, 2008 — 9:37am

– A poll finds that President Bush is the “most unpopular president in American history.” Now he can legitimately roll out the Mission Accomplished sign.

– A study in the journal Pediatrics says American children take anti-psychotic meds at about six times the rate of kids in the U.K. You can’t say we’re not competitive.

– A Japanese high school team asked that the baseball game be called because they were losing 66-0. And it was only the second inning. Officials agreed and pared it back to a modest 9-0 win. Saving face is important in Japan.

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Toot Sweet

May 2nd, 2008 — 9:23am

A French doctor says his compatriots would be healthier if they’d fart, burp, and sweat more. In his book Le Grand Ménage, Frédéric Saldmann claims that retaining gas is harmful to the intestines, increases the risk of hiatal hernia — which almost a third of French people have, and increases the chances of getting cancer. He also recommends chewing less gum, not eating while walking, cutting back on carbonated beverages, and not believing everything you read in books.

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Now Everybody Walk

May 1st, 2008 — 9:13am

Soon Sweden will be the first country to have equal opportunity traffic signals. The government has told the the National Road Administration to design new pedestrian crossing signs so towns can have the option of showing a woman crossing the street as well as a man. Or instead of. Hey, we wouldn’t want anyone to be unsure of whether the sign pertains to them, now would we? They might as well draw up another design while they’re at it, there’s no way the LGBT crowd will sit still for being left out. I mean, how’s a cross dressing street crosser supposed to know when it’s his/her turn?

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