Archive for April 2006
April 30th, 2006 — 7:36am
The Beijing News reports that a Chinese businessman bought a used MiG-21f fighter jet once used by the Czech military on eBay for a bargain basement $24,730. Plus shipping, of course. The winning bidder, which the newspaper identifies as Zhang Cheng but is known as 20020504maryville on eBay, says he plans to park the airplane outside his offices. Great. That means there will be a half-dozen fewer parking spaces for customers and employees, dammit.
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April 29th, 2006 — 7:23am
It’s that, or WFMY News 2 in North Carolina is being very careful about being politically correct before Monday’s “Day Without Immigrants” work boycott and rallies. For future reference, the station’s headline writers need to know that cole slaw is made with cabbage, not lettuce; there is no Joe in a Sloppy Joe; and creamed spinach is made with spinach.
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April 28th, 2006 — 6:54am
Teresa L. Kaiser, the executive director of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, resigned yesterday after being arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence and reckless driving after she was involved in a two-car crash Saturday night. With a blood alcohol level of 0.16, no less — twice the legal limit. Regardless of how it turns out, it’s a safe bet she can call it job-related research and write off her legal fees.
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April 27th, 2006 — 8:09am
Toasters are 100 years old this year. What did people do before that, use the pop-up fire? In a poll conducted for the Grains Food Foundation, more than half of the people surveyed said they’d rather have toast than candy in the morning. A third prefer morning toast to chocolate. And one in 10 would rather have toast than sex in the morning. Oddly, only one person said they prefer the smell of napalm in the morning.
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April 26th, 2006 — 11:09am
Four bus loads of students from O’Brien Middle School in Reno, Nevada, were rewarded for their good grades on Monday by being sent on a school-sponsored field trip to the Six Flags Marine World theme park in Vallejo, California. After four hours on the bus they arrived…to find out the park is closed on Mondays. Attention Washoe County School District employees: Memorial Day is May 29, the last day of school is June 7, and this year the Fourth of July will be celebrated on July 4. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.
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April 25th, 2006 — 11:22am
According the New York Times, Airbus has a new seating idea – standing room only. It seems the European airplane manufacturer has been trying to interest Asian carriers in the idea of putting a standing room section on their planes. Passengers would stand up against a padded backboard and be held in place with a harness. The only time you’d get to sit down would be in the lavatory. No word on if anyone will do it, or the price, but be careful the next time an airline asks if you want to fly standby.
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April 24th, 2006 — 2:09pm
Sweden has finally accepted Dubya. Not the president, but the letter that’s his middle initial. You know, the one he mispronounces. This is big news since there is no natural-born “W” in Svenska, which is what they call their language. The few words that do begin with “W” were stolen – I mean, borrowed – from other languages, so dictionaries always lumped them in with the more popular “V”s. Since the Swedish Academy is including a section of “W” words now, the language officially has 29 letters instead of 28. Of course since they call the new letter “double-v,” they still don’t have a Dubya. Lucky stiffs.
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April 22nd, 2006 — 9:35am
Cable TV service In Demand is airing a special on Monday night called The Spirit of John Lennon. It’s a televised seance during which they claim to have reached the spirit of John Lennon. At one of Lennon’s favorite New York restaurants, La Fortuna, of course. I mean, where else would you expect him to be hanging out? For $9.95 viewers can hear what a psychic on the show claims to be the voice of Lennon speaking. Or maybe he’ll be singing:
Imagine there’s John Lennon
It’s easy if you try
No royalties to pay him
With luck ratings to the sky
Imagine all the people
Tuning in today…
You may say that I’m a schemer
But I’m not the only one
I hope on Monday you will join us
And we’ll live as number one
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April 21st, 2006 — 12:37pm

“The mayor of Paris arrived in San Francisco on Wednesday to kick off a three-day visit marking the 10th anniversary of the sister-city relationship between the two cultural hubs…”
“In Paris, the fact that Delanoë is openly gay is a nonissue, his aides said Wednesday. He made his sexual orientation public when a journalist asked him about it before he was elected mayor.”
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April 20th, 2006 — 10:01am
When Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes announced the birth of their baby, they said they named her Suri, which means “princess” in Hebrew and “red rose” in Persian. They were right on the second count, but Hebrew scholars in Israel say no dice to the first. “We seem to have learned a new Hebrew word, and from Tom Cruise, no less,” said an Israeli news anchor. No problem. Suri has plenty of other translations. It means “pickpocket” in Japanese, “pointy nose” in some Indian dialects, and is a breed of South American alpacas. Don’t be a lama, Suri. It’s okay, princess.
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April 19th, 2006 — 9:43am
Alternative weekly The Boston Phoenix has named Gilbert Gottfried the “unsexiest man in the world,” followed closely by New York Yankees pitcher Randy Johnson, Roger Ebert, and Dr. Phil. Was that Carrot Top breathing a big sigh of relief I just heard?
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April 18th, 2006 — 9:43am
According to a poll by VH1, a line from U2’s song One — “One life, with each other, sisters, brothers” — is Britain’s favorite song lyric. Lyrics from The Smiths’ song How Soon is Now? came in second, followed by a line from Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit. Neil Diamond protested because “‘I am’ I said. To no one there. And no one heard at all, not even the chair.” wasn’t even on the list.
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April 17th, 2006 — 10:28am
Residents of the Yupik Eskimo village of Savoo, Alaska can finally have pizza delivered to their door. The good news is, delivery is free. The bad news is they have to plan ahead since it’s being delivered from Nome, which is 170 miles away, though luckily they’re being delivered by plane. If this works out they’re hoping to have their first sled-thru restaurant soon.
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April 15th, 2006 — 10:14am
The New York Times reports that Lee Raymond, who retired in December as chairman and CEO of Exxon, earned more than $686 million from 1993 to 2005. I’ll save you the trouble of pulling out a calculator —that comes to $144,573 a day. I sure hope he put in at least a 10-hour day.
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April 14th, 2006 — 9:27am
Asked during a television interview to explain his poor putting in the final round of the U.S. Masters golf tournament, Tiger Woods explained, “I putted atrociously today. Once I got on the greens, I was a spaz.” The British-based disability organization Scope, which was formerly called The Spastics Society, was offended, so Woods’ agent apologized, saying, “Please don’t take anything Tiger says personally. Sometimes he can be a real tard.”
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April 13th, 2006 — 10:04am
It took months of discussion, but The DaVinci Academy in Ogden, Utah, was ecstatic that they’d lined up Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, to appear at the school’s annual gala. Then last Friday they learned that they had booked Jon A. Stewart, a former motivational speaker and part-time professional wrestler from Chicago, by accident. Hey, it could have been worse. They could have booked Jon Stewart, the lawyer from Houston, Jon Stewart, the editor of Hegel Myths and Legends, or Jon Stewart, whose photographs adorn Book of Crepes & Omelets.
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April 12th, 2006 — 9:21am
The Florida House has passed a bill that would require incoming high school freshmen to declare a major, just like college students. Reaction is mixed, with Gov. Jeb Bush pushing the idea, many educators supporting it, and high school students wondering if this means they can also join fraternities and sororities, have keg parties, and wake up wondering whose floor they’re sleeping on.
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April 11th, 2006 — 9:33am
Selfridge’s department store in London is selling what they call the world’s most expensive sandwich. For £85 (US$148) you get foie gras, black truffle, brie, red pepper confit, and Wagyu beef on sour dough bread. The beef is the expensive part. It comes from Japanese cows that are fed grain, beer and wine, and massaged weekly. For $148 a sandwich you should get the massage. The 2,000-calorie meal on bread is called the McDonald sandwich, after its creator, chef Scott McDonald. Is that the Wagyu beef I smell, or a trademark infringement lawsuit?
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April 10th, 2006 — 9:33am
A survey taken by a human resource company found that of all the cities in the world, Zurich has the highest quality of life, followed by Geneva and Vancouver. For the third year in a row, Baghdad tanked the lowest. Apparently they deduct points for having no electricity, no running water, lots of roadside bombs, and buildings in rubble. Go figure.
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April 8th, 2006 — 12:47pm
Following Scientology guidelines, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are planning to have a silent birth. Ah, if only those guidelines could extend through the rest of their lives.
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